Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Write a of poem that starts with the word Hello

Hi there... AGAIN. I have been looking through my term 2 writing and I found this poem. It was written from this prompt... Write a poem that starts with the word Hello

Hello I am here.
I'm here.
Where am I?
I am here.

Hello, do you know me?
Do you know her?
Do you know him?
Do you know me?


Hi there, I did this piece of writing for fun last term. It never really turned into a story, but I thought I would share it with you anyway.

Bang! My hand hits the table. Scrape! I picked up all the dust as my hand brushed across the table. Smash! Mum’s glass vase hit the tiled floor. I heard from upstairs “It wasn't me, Skylar did it.”

Monday, 30 July 2018

100 WC

Special prompt #2 (18)

This is a magic door. You have to decide where it is, who put it there, what it leads to & what happens when you walk through it!

On my walk I came across a door. Now I couldn't of just left it their, could I ? As I opened the door and looked down the portal, I wondered. Who lives there? What do they do? Is there another me?

With all of those questions, I had to jump down the portal. It was a big drop. I saw Pocket watches, Ripped books, and much more. This portal was sooooooooooooooo long that I practically fell asleep, but then I hit the bottom. Scrambling to my feet, My mouth was wide open and my jaw had hit the ground. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Certain death, who wants a ringside seat

Recently room 14 has started reading a new book. It is Certain death, Who Wants A Ringside Seat, written by Tanya Landman. This book is part of a series about to 12-year-old kids that always seem to get caught up in murder. Our class has written some theories. Some crazy and some quite cool.
I hope you enjoy my theory. 🎔 

It has to be Alonzo. He hired someone to kill a random victim in the audience, to make it look like an accident. Then when he was alone with Carlotta, Alonzo said something to Carlotta to make her angry and when Carlotta ran out with a kitchen knife, with Alonzo running behind it made it look like Carlotta was guilty and Alonzo was innocent. I think Alonzo is the murderer, and he will try to frame everyone for what he did.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Leopard Tennis Shop Purple Grabbed

This week we got to do any 100wc we wanted to. So I flicked back a choose this one Leopard  Tennis  Shop  Purple  Grabbed. Can you guess how many words?

I grabbed my keys and walked to my car. I was off to the river bridge purple shop to get my bestie Lulu a birthday present, but when I got there Lulu was there waiting for me. I knew she would track me down, she always does.

Lulu and I first met in a professional dog grooming competition. She came up to me and took my good luck charm it was a leopard print purple tennis racket. After I convinced her to give it back, we started talking. We found we had so much in common so we became best friends.

Now that I think about it I don't need to buy her anything. I have the perfect gift right here in my pocket.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Gingernut experiment


We had a question. What would happen to a gingernut and some M&Ms when we put them in water. The class made predictions about it. What do you think will happen? 

The gingernuts.

My prediction was that the gingernut will start to crumble and disintegrate, then it will fall to the bottom of the cup. My group had a smaller cup. 

We dropped the gingernut into the water, it floated on the top for about 30 seconds. Then it fell straight to the bottom and sat there. We watched closely, and we found that bubbles were starting to form around the gingernut. Throughout the day the gingernut started to lose its colour. We found that all of the ginger that gave it, it's colour had fallen to the bottom of the cup. As the day went further the gingernut got softer.  

Our class decided that we would leave the gingernut overnight. When we came back the next day, the gingernut had swelled and was like the consistency of oatmeal and jelly. 

The M&Ms

Next, it was the M&Ms turn. My prediction was that the M&M will lose all its colour and mix with the water. 

To start we got 2 M&Ms my group got one orange and one blue. We dropped the blue M&M about 15 seconds before we drop the orange one in. Almost immediately the orange M&M started losing colour. We thought this was weird because the blue M&M had been it the water longer. After a while both M&Ms were completely white and the colour was mixing a little. We left it overnight like the gingernut and the next day the M&Ms were completely brown and some were broken in half.

Here are some photos of this experiment 

All of our experiments turned out different. That is what's fun, you can never predict what will happen.

Some work

Hi there, I haven't really posted in a while but I'm back! I really miss being able to post on here and show you all my work. Being ...