Hey, again people. This week the 100wc is a photo 
I don't really have a name for it yet... so let's call it STORY
I sat there, looking, staring, studying, wondering. What was it? Why was it there? Who made it? Then, I remembered the tale, the nursery tale. It goes a bit like this.

I don't really have a name for it yet... so let's call it STORY
I sat there, looking, staring, studying, wondering. What was it? Why was it there? Who made it? Then, I remembered the tale, the nursery tale. It goes a bit like this.
Once upon a time in a land not too far from the one your all thinking of, a tornado was ripping through Rivertown, destroying every. single. thing. in, its, path. Homes were destroyed, people were killed and everything that little town treasured was gone.
During the rebuilding, the people of Riverbridge built that statue in remembrance for all that little town of Riverbridge went through.
the end
I love your beginning. It really hooks me in. Joining four similar meaning words together really adds impact... "looking, staring, studying, wondering." I assume you broke the rules about punctuation on purpose... "every. single. thing. in, its, path." But it was very effective.