Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Moaner Island part 1

hey guys 
I have been working on this story for a while now and I decided to make it 2 parts for suspense. so stay tuned for part 2 of  Moaner island 

Moaner island

“Do I have too,” Juliea moaned. “This school sounds boring,.” Juliea," dad said. " Moaner Island is a great school, it will teach you to toughen up just like your younger sister, Li Li."
“Oh wook, we here,"  Li Li said. She was right, there was a giant blue train that said Moaner island, and a man, a weird looking man, he was wearing half a trench coat, what seemed to be some shorts, knee-high socks with one bright orange shoe and an eye patch attached to a cape. "Oh yeah I'm really excited to go to this school.," Juliea said sarcastically.
“All aboard for Moaner Island,” the man yelled.
“Oops that's me,” Juliea said as she was running away.

The train was cold and wobbly, but soon enough Juliea found a seat next to a boy
“So, where you off to?” a kid with chubby cheeks, and a monocle, said as Juliea sat next to him.
“ Moaner Island,” Juleia said nervously.
“Oh same, I'm Jenrold Jewee.”
“ Im Juliea Townsend.”
Then another girl came and sat next to us
“And I am Natalee Hayden.”
Then she sang the alphabet really loud “A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z” then really quiet
“a b c d e f g h i...”
“ Will you stop that!” Juliea and Jenrold yelled simultaneously.

Suddenly the train stopped. The three had to get on a boat. The man steering had a glass eye, a plastic gold hook, and some ripped, black, clothing. He almost looked like a pirate.
“I’ll be captain harding,” he said with a funny accent.
We started going on a zigzag route.
I started to wonder where we were going, and get a little sick.
It was silent the rest of the way.


Juliea had just gotten her classes when the principal, Mr Roger Elmers approached her. “ Hello Juliea, I zee thou vave gotten your glasses, are thou settling inzo thour school zicley?” he said, very hard to understand.
“Oh yes, the schools OK, i've made 2 friends ”
“ zaths grate, aave az isce say.”
We both went different ways and I read my class schedule.

Soon I ran into Jenrold and Natalee, they were checking out the dormitories. They didn't notice me so I thought I would play a little trick on them…

Sooo, that didin’t go as expected. Somehow I ended up in principal Elmers’s office. Heres how it went in my head…

It didn’t go quite like that.

To be continued!


1 comment:

  1. Your graphics add interest and information to your work. I enjoyed your version of Groosham Grange crossed with Mondays Are Murder.


Some work

Hi there, I haven't really posted in a while but I'm back! I really miss being able to post on here and show you all my work. Being ...