Over the past 12 weeks, Room 14 has been participating in the Hells Reading Challenge. Hells Reading Challenge is every time you read a book you get a little disk stamped by the school librarian or at a public library. When you reach 7 books you take your disk to a Hell pizza place and you get a free pizza.
Here are some photos and my reading log.
On Thursday the 9th of August, Room 14 and Room 23 went to Tiritiri Matangi. Tiritiri Matangi is a nature sanctuary, full of birds and is introduced predator free. That means there are no stotes, rats of possums. It was a great experience and we learnt a lot.
Tiritiri Matangi is introduced predator free, and they want to stay that way. So before you get on the ferry, you have to wipe all the soil off your shoes, make sure you have no seeds on you, and that you are not carrying any mice, rats or rainbow skinks. When entering the island you go through very light biosecurity, compared to places like little barrier reef, where the even check your shoelaces.
On Tiritiri Matangi there are many types of bird species. From the endemic birds, like Takahe, little-spotted kiwi, rifleman and many more, to the native birds, like Morepork, Pukeko and many more. If you ever go to Tiritiri Matangi try and find some of these amazing birds.
The amazing thing
The amazing thing about Tiritiri Matangi is that everything is for the birds, the trees, the nests, and the dirt. On our guided walk, we were told that everything that was on the trees was for the birds and everything that was on the ground we could touch. So we could pick up the leaves that had fallen and things like that.
You should really go to Tiritiri Matangi sometime.